Add a Label

There are many ways to provide information to students in VSTAR Learn. Each course has multiple topics, and each topic can have resources and assignments.  If you would like to provide information to students in between any of these resources and assignments within a topic, on the topic’s main page, the best way to do this is using the label resource.

What is a Label?

An example of how the label appears displayed on the student’s screen is below.  A label can include text, links, images, even sound and video.

Adding a Label

To add a label to your course, make sure editing is turned on by clicking the “Turn Editing On” button in the upper right hand corner of your course.  Then select “Add an activity or resource” link under the topic where you would like to add a label.

This will pull up the activity chooser menu.  Scroll down to the “Resources” section, and select “Label.”  At the bottom, select the “Add” button.

Creating the Label

The next screen will walk through creating your label.

In the box at the top, you can type exactly what you would like the label to say.  You can also use the text editor to add images or links.  Using the video selector, you can browse to sound files or video files.

Towards the bottom of the screen, there are options for hiding your label or making it hidden to students until a later date.

Once you’ve completed creating your label, make sure to save it to see it displayed in your course.

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