Tickets entered by customers and assigned to your workgroup will automatically show up in Support Center under your “Open” queue. You will not get an email notification unless a ticket is assigned to you directly.
Part of this depends on how your workgroup is set up – tickets may automatically go to a particular person, and that person may disperse the tickets.
Part 1
Once you are logged in to Support Center, you can click on an Open ticket assigned to your workgroup by clicking on the blue “Ticket Number” link or the “Subject” of the ticket.
Part 2
This opens the window with the ticket information and history. The box at the top will include the ticket number, as well as information on the status, priority, and the date the ticket was submitted/created by the user. On the right is information about the user, including a phone number and email address.
Below that is a description of the problem, and any history of how the ticket has been worked.
From here you can type a response, resolution, or ask the user questions.
If you choose to close the ticket, there is a box to check.To post your response to the user, use the Post Reply button at the bottom of the page.
Part 3
Other tabs will allow you to post an internal note, transfer to another department, or reassign the ticket to another user.