Released October 18, 2016
1. Activity Admin Updates. Activity Admins now have a full view of the Activity Admin workflow in Summary format with links to edit each section in the new admin format.
2. Enhancement: Ability to Preview Forms during Activity Creation. Activity Admins can now preview forms before completing activity creation. The Activity must be saved (not completed) before the form preview button is active. The following rules apply to the Preview button:
- If a form is saved and nothing is selected from the dropdown menu, the button will display a preview of the saved form.
- If a form is saved and the Activity Admin selects a new form from the dropdown menu (but hasn’t saved it yet), the button will display a preview what was selected from the dropdown, not the saved form.
- If a form has not been saved, the button is disabled until the Activity Admin selects a form from the dropdown menu, at which point the button becomes active and will display a preview of what was selected.
3. Enhancement: Student Dashboard Course List. Requested by students: Courses are now grouped by academic year and listed alphabetically.
4. Bug Fix: Legacy Online Grading Access. Access to Final Assessment forms from Legacy Online Grading has been restored throughout Portfolio.
5. Enhancement: Links to Assessor Invitee Forms Restored. The “Links” view in the Invitee list has been restored in the Activity Admin panel. The list can be accessed by clicking the “link” icon under Options of the Email Invitee tab.
6. Enhancement: Invitee Progress Summary Restored. The color-coded summary of the number of invites and those completed has been restored in the Activity Admin panel. This can be viewed in the Email Invitee tab. The new view includes a list of expired invites.
7. Bug Fix: Link on Pop-up in Competency Dashboard broken. The link to the original assessment found in the pop-up in the Competency Dashboard has been restored to working condition.