Departments: manage your events and attendees at the Department level

New “Department” feature offers Department Admins the ability to schedule events within a department and, optionally, within a “Learner Group”.

Note: Please contact us to request Department Admin access if you manage the events for your department.

Features include:

  • Calendar event view for easier scheduling.
  • Custom public calendar URL to easily share with anyone.
  • Quick-add event feature allows adding events directly from calendar.
  • Event, learner group, and member management.
  • Visibility into department member and learner group attendance through added reporting.

Calendar and list event views

Easily view events in your preferred format by switching between Calendar and List.

Custom calendar URL

Easily share and customize a link that allows anyone to view your department events on the calendar.

Event quick-add

Click any empty space on a date to quickly add an event.

New Event, Learner Group, and Member Management with reporting

New management features give Department Admins control over their members and events and better visibility into attendance.

Learner Groups

Add unlimited groups for your members to be a part of and get access to group-level reporting.

Member Management

Get per-member attendance reporting, filtered by event date.