Released: January 30, 2017 1. Enhancement: Pending Activities Page for Portfolio “Advisors.” Advisors now have a “Pending Activities” page that includes all activities assigned to them including assessment invitations from Portfolio and Compass.
VSTAR Portfolio 3.19.0 Release Notes
Released: January 16, 2017 1. Portfolio Enhancement: Activity Admins can send reminders to select users. Activity Admins can send email reminders to invited assessors who have not completed the Activity, or whose invitation is still valid. The “Send Reminder” button is located under the Assessors email address. Once a reminder is […]
VSTAR Portfolio 3.18.0 Release Notes
Released: December 2, 2016 1. Pending Activities Page. “Advisors” now have a “Pending Activities” page on their left-hand navigation bar that lists all activities that an Advisor has to complete and those that are past due (past due activities fall off after one month). The page also includes notification banners […]
VSTAR Portfolio 3.17.0 Release Notes
Released: November 7, 2016 1. Faculty/Staff Added to Course Collection on Creation. Course Directors and Course Coordinators listed in PeopleSoft are automatically added to Course Collection as “Monitors” when the collection is created. 2. Learner Groups Created on Course Collection Creation. When creating a Course Collection, Groups are automatically created […]
VSTAR Portfolio 3.16.0 Release Notes
Released October 18, 2016 1. Activity Admin Updates. Activity Admins now have a full view of the Activity Admin workflow in Summary format with links to edit each section in the new admin format. 2. Enhancement: Ability to Preview Forms during Activity Creation. Activity Admins can now preview forms before […]
VSTAR Portfolio 3.15.0 Release Notes
Released October 7, 2016 1. New Course Collection Feature. Course Collections are now automatically created from PeopleSoft information. These collections are included in larger Programs based on academic year, such as “FMK 2016-17” or “Immersions 2016-17,” which will contain all Course Collections for an academic year. Course Collections with multiple […]
VSTAR Portfolio 3.14.0 Release Notes
Released September 29, 2016 1. Activity Admin Redesign. The Activity Creation Screen is now has a “wizard” feel: each section is in a different tab, making it easier for Activity Admins to navigate to the section that need to be edited. 2. New Assessment Types: 360 Degree Assessment and Compass […]
VSTAR Portfolio 3.12.0 Release Notes
Release August 12, 2016 VP-620 – Compass Email Enhancements: Emails will include student picture Email from address will read “Student Name via VSTAR” unless a name (the course director or program name) is added to the Open Assessment Activity page. The reply to email address will function from the Open Assessment Activity […]
VSTAR Portfolio V 3.10.0 Release Notes
VSTAR Portfolio, version 3.10.0 released 01/06/2016 Bug Fix – Collection expiration dates: expiration dates may now be deleted from existing Collections. The deleted date will no longer reappear upon saving.
VSTAR Portfolio V 3.9.0 Release Notes
VSTAR Portfolio, version 3.9.0, released 11/23/2015 Activity due dates: Activity due dates now display the date and time due, including the time zone. Due date sorting: Activities are now sorted with the most recent displaying first. Any items without a due date will display at the bottom of the list.