Portfolio Coach Milestone Cycle Assessment walk-through

Logon to VSTAR https://vstar.mc.vanderbilt.edu/

Click on Portfolio (if you’re using a tablet, you may need to select Portfolio from the “Apps” drop-down):

Scheduling a Meeting

You should have already set up some time slots for students in your VSTAR Portfolio Calendar and associated them with the “Schedule a Meeting” activity for this Cycle. Instructions on how to do that are here.   Other links will follow in the remainder of this document, but Portfolio Coaches can see all articles tagged for them in this catalog.

If VSTAR Portfolio doesn’t default to “My Activities” select it in the navigation bar at the left side of the screen:



Locating Cycle Assessment

It is important to note that you no longer see all activities on your “My Activities” page. In an effort to reduce clutter, tabs now exist for Open Activities, Incomplete (ones past due but not assessed), Completed (ones that have been done), and All Activities. Your Portfolio Coaching activity should show in “Open Activities” if for some reason it is not completed by the due date, it will remain unavailable until the duplication process is complete.


Find the current Portfolio Coach Cycle activity, in this example “FCC 15-16 Portfolio Assessment (Coach), Cycle 1 (pre-meeting),” and click the link:



You will be presented with a list of all of your trainees in first column and links to their corresponding assessment form in the second column. Click on the link in the second column to open the assessment:


 Assessing Student

When the assessment form opens, you will see a list of evidence near the top of the form. This list includes all milestone activities in which this particular student was assessed. (Not all students will have VPIL forms, for example, or SBP: Course Evaluation Participation). Normally, there will be some introductory text as well as a list of evidence with links:

Clicking on a link to the evidence will open that in a new browser tab:


Once you have analyzed the evidence available, you can begin to choose the appropriate option or anchor for each sub-domain competency listed.  See Milestone Form Completion for further instructions on form completion. In addition, Domain Scores need to be scored for each Domain. For example, after all the Patient Care subdomains (like Patient Care 2 and Patient Care 7). Choose the appropriate score, justify the score and select appropriate sources of evidence:


Using All Available Evidence

Work through each domain. Besides the specific evidence listed in the assessment form itself, more general information is available on your trainees. Viewing Student Artifacts (for Portfolio Coaches) is useful for viewing NBME Shelf exam scores and other Artifacts. Learner Competencies view from the Student Dashboard allows one to see multiple data-points within each sub-competency for a specific student. You can also View Student Grades and Learning Goals. Or see how you can view all feedback on a student at Viewing Feedback about a Student.

Once you’ve finished all the domains there’s a place to add notes:


Submitting and Editing the Assessment

Finally, when you’ve completed the assessment be sure to hit “Complete & Submit Form” (see: Completing and Submitting and Unlocking Portfolio Assessments or Forms).

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